Market Research Report on Eyelash Extensions in Western Countries

Market Research Report on Eyelash Extensions in Western Countries

Eyelash extensions have become an increasingly popular cosmetic treatment in Western countries in recent years. They involve the application of synthetic eyelashes to a person's natural eyelashes to make them look longer and fuller. The extensions can last for around 4 to 6 weeks with touch up treatments. This market research report provides an overview of the eyelash extension market in major Western nations.The United States is the largest market for eyelash extensions. According to industry statistics, the US eyelash extension market was worth around USD 207 million in 2019.

Around 5 million women get eyelash extension treatments each year in the US at an average spend of USD 420 annually. The popularity of eyelash extensions has risen sharply with the trend of selfies and photo sharing on social media. Long and voluminous eyelashes are seen as attractive by many and the extensions provide an instant solution.Canada, the United Kingdom and countries in Western Europe including France, Italy and Germany also have a sizable market for eyelash extensions. These countries combined were estimated to be worth USD 138 million in 2019.

Eyelash salons and beauticians in big cities especially are capitalizing on the enthusiasm for extensions. An average treatment in these countries costs between USD 100 to USD 250.Australia is another key market, especially among younger female consumers. Around 9% of Australian women aged 18 to 24 have tried eyelash extensions with many getting treatments for special occasions like weddings or holidays. The total Australian market was estimated at USD 12.3 million in 2018.

Higher disposable income and desire to look glamourous at events are driving the market.The major factors propelling the growth of the eyelash extension market are increasing interest in cosmetic treatments, influence of social media and celebrity culture, higher spend on beauty products and greater choice of salons offering extension services. However, the high cost of initial treatments and touch ups as well as concerns about long term damage to natural lashes could inhibit further growth of the market.In summary, eyelash extensions have tapped into strong demand in Western nations for cosmetic treatments that enhance one's appearance quickly and conveniently. With increasing interest in grooming from younger generations and new product innovations, the market looks set to continue flourishing over the next 5 to 10 years.

The challenge will be converting more of the pool of potential customers given the cost considerations. Overall though, eyelash extensions are fulfilling an important niche in the Western beauty market.

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